
Television and radio.  Video games and DVDs.  Controversies in government and in local schools.  You name it, just about anything can drive us to distraction.  But in today's society we seem to have perfected the art of distraction and I have a feeling that spells big trouble for the church at large.  We are over stimulated and I don't know that we'd know what to do without all that stimulation, all that background noise.

I would dare say that there are few of us - even us stay at home moms - who don't find themselves praying for a few more hours in the day to get everything done.  Finding a few minutes to call our very own would be nice, but they seem to be a luxury most times.  Busy-ness has become the standard and it's devastating our effectiveness for Christ.

Using Christ as our example, as we should, I think we could learn much in how we should prioritize our lives and our busy schedules.  And just so you don't get the impression that I have this problem licked myself, here's a peek at a typical day around our house.

I try to wake up at least an hour before our son, if not two.  That way I can be sure to get a shower and have some devotional time.  I can even check my email if I work it right.  When our son wakes up things kick in to high gear!  There's getting him dressed, coercing him to eat breakfast (I never thought my child would have to be coerced to eat), then deciding on what we should play first.

Once my husband wakes up you can feel the excitement in the air.  Why?  Our son's favorite playmate is now available for three hours before having to leave for work.  This used to be tricky because this is also the only time that Mommy and Daddy have to communicate during the day, but now that we've gone cellular we are able to talk while my husband is driving to work - not a perfect solution, but sometimes we just have to make do with what we have.

After Daddy leaves for work, Mommy tries to get a few household chores finished up before we start home school.  By three o'clock in the afternoon we are on the road to academia.  Well, usually.  Then there's dinner, more play time, finishing up housework, cleaning up stray toys from the living room floor.  When bedtime finally rolls around, if our son isn't tired, I sure am!

Now, you may or may not have noticed that there was no mention of my writing in the above run-down.  Well, that's been a bit of a problem lately and I'm certain that distractions are the root of my problem.  Even as I write this article, I have the TV on.  Why?  Who knows!  Habit, I suppose, but one that really needs to vamoose.  Okay, I just turned it off.  How quiet!

You may be thinking, okay, she has a full plate during the day and the poor little author can't write as much as she'd like to.  What does that have to do with me?  I'm glad you asked!

If you had to give an accounting of your day to Christ right this very minute, would you want to?  Would you want to admit all of the time you've frittered away on meaningless activities - activities that our society esteems but that have no kingdom value whatsoever?  I sure wouldn't!  We're so distracted that I sometimes wonder if we really understand the urgency our Heavenly Father places on our lives and the tasks that He has set before each one of us to accomplish.  Did you know that?  You have a task to accomplish for God and you're the only one who can do it.  If that doesn't scare your socks off I don't know what will!

Now, getting back to Jesus as our example.  He never seemed to be distracted with anything.  He always seemed to have his day-planner on the same page as the Father's.  Jesus was never taken by surprise nor was He unequipped to handle the people and situations He faced each day.  Jesus always started His day early in conference (prayer) with the Father and they were in close contact all day long, their relationship underpinned by the intimacy they shared each morning.  

Let's try to capture that intimacy in our own lives.  I believe that if we can this world will be amazed at the outpouring of the Father's love through His children in reaching an lost and hopeless world.  If we take a good, honest look at our time stealers I'm sure we could find more time that we ever thought we had.

I have a feeling that there might be one or two of you out there thinking that this is all well and good, but that Jesus didn't have to worry about being distracted with TV or the internet.  That's true, but I have a feeling that there were distractions around in His day, too, but perhaps not as many as we face.  Speaking of TV in Jesus' day, can you imagine the press coverage He would have gotten?  I don't think we'll have to wait much longer to see what sort of coverage He'll get from the press in our day!  Until then, let's take back the time God has given us and use it for His glory!