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Christmas -- The Day God Went Slumming
from Dan's Corner
On the day Jesus was born (which was, as strong evidence points toward, during the Jewish festival of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, which generally falls during the month of September on our calendar) I wonder if He experienced any culture shock? I don't think so. However, there must be a tremendous disparity between the Kingdom of Heaven and the terra firma we live on. God Himself says in His word that when He got done making the earth and all the people and stuff on it that, "He was well pleased" (Gen. 1:31). Yet when Jesus came to earth it must have been kinda like going to the bad part of town to get something done. You don't want to be there, but it's necessary. And fulfilling the plan of salvation for the entire human race was necessary!
Thank you Lord for coming to our side of the tracks!
Winter always brings to mind a story a friend of mine told me a few years ago . . .
Once there was a farmer who had a farm with a big barn. This farm was located in a cold climate. Each winter the farmer would see the birds sitting on the telephone wires and trees, all cold and shivering, and he would feel sorry for them. (I know how he felt. Those little chickadees I remember during the cold Wisconsin winters as a kid did look pretty pathetic when the mercury dropped.)
The farmer thought if he could get the little birds to go into his barn they would be protected from the elements and be able to live through the winter easier. That night he left the door to the barn open. The birds would surely be smart enough to recognize the invitation and go in and get warm. The birds didn't get it. The next night he left the door open, the light on and a heater going. Didn't work. He then left food in the barn for them. That would surely bring them in. No luck. In fact nothing he did could entice them to go in to the barn. Frustrated and still concerned for the birds well being, he thought if he couldn't coax them in, he would scare them in. So he tried jumping around, shouting, making loud noises, even shooting a gun into the air. Nothing worked! He then realized that the only way he could accomplish what he wanted to do was to become a bird himself and lead them in to safety!
That's just what Jesus had to do -- become one of us to lead us in to His Kingdom. That's why He came slumming on our side of the tracks!
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