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He Went To The Enemy's Camp
from Dan's Corner
Last Easter Sunday, as we were waiting for the service to start with the fast swelling crowd in the sanctuary of our church, a large family began invading our pew. We gave up our seats so that they could sit together. We soon found ourselves in the last available seats -- front and center next to the senior pastor. He leaned over and told us to "Amen" him if he said something good. We
As I was sitting in that service, the Lord showed me something that really touched me. For the past year or so we had been singing a song called "I Went To The Enemy's Camp." It begins, "I went to the enemy's camp and I took back what he stole from me." It goes on to say, "He's under my feet, Satan is under my feet." On that day the Lord told me that He Himself went to the enemy's camp and took back what was stolen from Him -- namely ME!
I was firmly entrenched in the enemy's camp, blinded to the truth by deception and imprisoned by the lies of the adversary. But in our spiritual ignorance, before we enter into our relationship with Jesus, we don't know any different! Then along came Jesus, like Rambo in an adventure movie. He kicked in the door of my cell and yelled, "C'MON MAN, WE'RE BUSTIN' OUT OF THIS JOINT!!" He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). And His truth will set you free (John 8:32).
I came away from church that day knowing for sure that the Almighty Creator of the whole universe did in fact choose me first, just as the Bible says (Jerimiah 1:5). I felt pretty special. Still do.
I also came away from that service as the church's new music minister -- at least in one person's mind. Being relatively new to that congregation, looking pretty catty in my new suit, and sitting beside the senior pastor in the front row, he decided that I must have been the new director of music the church had been anticipating. We met a couple weeks later. He told me about his misidentification. I told him about my complete lack of musical talent. We both had a good laugh.
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