The Woman At The Well
Jesus answered her, If you had only known and had recognized God's gift and Who this is that is saying to you, Give Me a drink, you would have asked Him [instead] and He would have given you living water.
But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life.
A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). -- John 4:10;14;23-24
When you mention healing, most people first think of physical healings. While these are sometimes most noticeable, God by no means limits Himself to the realm of the physical. He wants to make us whole, body, soul and spirit.
Jesus' disciple John, son of Zebedee, records a beautiful encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman in the fourth chapter of his accounting of the Gospel.
Jesus stops to rest at a well at the noon hour. While resting, a Samaritan woman comes to draw water and Jesus asks her for a drink. There are two things that are out of the ordinary right from the start: the woman is drawing water at noon, and Jesus speaks to her.
Why is she drawing water at noon instead of in the morning with all the other women? Most probably to avoid sidelong glances and whispered gossip about her less-than perfect situation, which we will learn of shortly. Now, about Jesus speaking to her.
In Jesus' day Jews held a very poor view of Samaritans and would never lower themselves by speaking with one. In verse 9 we can hear how shocked the woman is when she questions Jesus, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?" As usual, Jesus breaks from manmade tradition to do His Father's work! And what is His Father's work? I'm glad you asked!
In this situation it was to "bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound." (Is. 61:1) The Samaritan woman was deeply wounded, bent beneath the weight of her emotional burdens.
When Jesus spoke to her of the living waters He had to offer she immediately responded. But rather than apply a topical ointment on a gaping wound, the Master Physician skillfully wielded His scalpel.
"Go, call your husband and come back here," Jesus said to her, knowing full well her situation. In order for her healing to be effective, the woman had to face and acknowledge, the reality of her situation. She told Jesus that she had no husband, which was true. But it was not the complete truth. Jesus then proceeds to tell her of the five husbands she has had and of the man she is living with who is not her husband. The Samaritan woman knows she has heard from God.
Why was it so important for the woman to face the truth? For the same reason that it is important for us to face the truth. Only in spirit and in truth can we worship God. In fact, God is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers (v. 23). "God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality)." (v. 24)
It is when we worship God in this manner that we are able to come into His presence. When we are in His presence He can touch us -- spirit, soul, and body -- and begin to bind up our wounds freeing us from bondage. Something miraculous happens when we are in the presence of God. Our naturalness comes in contact with God's supernatural. This is the place where the miraculous takes place. It may not be something tangible, but changes take place nonetheless.
God loves us far too much to allow us to remain the way we are. In His gentle timing He will continue to heal us, transforming us into the image of His Son -- our Lord and Savior -- Jesus the Messiah.
Regardless of the source of your pain and hurt, God's desire is for you to be healed. All we need to do is go to the well and spend time in the presence of our Lord.