Words Received

These words are in date order.  Please scroll down for most recent word.

January 31, 2003

Where do I begin?  For months now I feel the Lord has been speaking to me about the condition of the American/Western church as well as the condition of the United States.  I have tried to incorporate these into my articles as much as possible.  In fact, many of the articles written over the last five months or so are a direct result of this.  But even so, there has been a nagging in my soul about what exactly to do with these "words."  If these words are in fact from God, what good would it do for me to write them down and keep them safely stored away in a notebook?  

Several weeks ago, after a time of great inner turmoil over this, I felt that the Lord wanted me to begin posting these words on this website.  I thought that was a wonderful idea and promptly dismissed it.  Part of the reason was that almost every message that is being brought to the church at-large is one of prosperity and wealth, and it seemed that the words I was receiving were at complete odds with this.  Then I heard another minister claim that only dreams, visions and words that leave you with peace and joy are from God -- anything that is distressing or disturbing is from the devil.  How could I possibly be receiving words from God that were seemingly so opposed to what the church is being told and taught by others who have well known names and ministries?  So, rather than being obedient, I tucked tail.

Two days ago I received another word.  Again, it was anything but delightful to hear.  And again, it caused a great struggle within me.  Was it enough to share these words with my pastor alone?  If indeed the Lord has called me to speak to the church and to the nation, was there something more that I needed to do with these messages?  But I still could not reconcile the inconsistencies with other messages that have been going out to the church.  So God had me take a stroll through the epistles.

Try as I might I could not find one instance of the Lord promising great worldly riches to His bride while on this earth.  While I do believe that the Lord can and does funnel monies through His trusted servants in order to enrich His kingdom, I also believe that the Western church is on very dangerous ground with respect to their measure of spiritual success.  We must not equate worldly gain with spiritual maturity.  If that is the standard by which we measure the growth in our relationship with God then we are in far more trouble than I can say.  We must look only to God's Word for our standards in every area of our lives.

Throughout the epistles the saints were being encouraged to stand in the face of adversity.  They were being encouraged to turn away from evil and separate themselves from the world.  They were being encouraged to face death with the peace of knowing that they would not be harmed by those who sought their lives.  Yes, for some of them their physical bodies were indeed put to death.  But they had the sure hope of the resurrected Christ and knew that their salvation could not be taken from them by man nor devil.

In another epistle, written to the church in Laodicea by the Lord Yeshua Himself, we read:

"For you say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need of nothing; and you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.  Therefore I counsel you to purchase from Me gold refined and tested by fire, that you may be [truly] wealthy, and white clothes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nudity from being seen, and salve to put on your eyes, that you may see." - Revelation 3:17-18

This church sees itself as rich, having prospered and grown wealthy.  It seems, in fact, that this is their measure of success.  They feel that they are in need of nothing.  But how does the Lord see them?  As wretched and naked.  This church obviously has a severe problem with their standard.  It seems that their standard is completely opposed to the Lord's.  He then advises them to purchase white clothes from Him that the shame of their nudity would be covered.  In Scripture white garments covering nudity represent the Lord's salvation.  For the Lord to be saying this to a church is very disturbing.  They are calling themselves Christians, yet they are in need of salvation and all that the Lord has to offer!  It is also disturbing that to this same church the Lord speaks a very often quoted Scripture, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me."  We can see from this statement that the Lord is outside of the church, knocking at the door in hopes of someone hearing His voice.  I fear that this is too exact a match for the church in America today.

There is a hypocrisy that runs deep within this society and within the church.  Grand atrocities are being committed within our borders each and every day.  Where is the cry of God's holy people in outrage against what is being done in the name of freedom?  We have become complacent, willing to lead safe, insignificant lives while we pursue the same dreams and goals that everyone else pursues.  We are covered with the filth of this world and we cannot see our own condition!

Let us run to the Lord!  Let us not be persuaded by words that tickle our ears and please our carnality.  Through Christ we have been made a nation of kings and priests.  We are to be holy for the Lord our God is holy.  We are to make ourselves ready for the return of our Bridegroom, Yeshua the Messiah.  We are to strip away the world, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that we would not be deceived or lulled into a slumber from which we cannot awaken.  I urge you to hear the voice of the Lord before it is too late.

It is also very disturbing to hear of vast movements within the church whose sole purpose seems to be to pray to stay God's hand from what is written in the prophets - things which God has decreed must come to pass before the return of His Son.  If we look to Scripture as our guide, God's servants were always praying that God's will would be done, and that God would bring His word to pass quickly.  Who are we to tell God to change His mind and will for our own purposes?  I believe this comes out of our overwhelming ignorance of God's word - the whole of God's word.

It is with a heavy heart and out of sheer obedience that I do this.  Following are words that I believe I have received from the Lord.  They will be displayed in date order and I will add to them as they are received.  May God richly bless you.

5/10/02 - A great cry!  A great cry that rends the heavens!  How long?  How long will the people shun Me and look to themselves for hope and a future?  They will find only destruction and despair.  Their folly rises before Me as a great stench.  Their pain breaks My heart.  Oh, how I long to comfort, but they refuse Me.  How I long to heal them, but they adore their wounds.  They tear the flesh and are glad.  They rejoice in wanton destruction.  My balm is here but for the asking.  It is My joy to heal.

Their self-sufficiency is folly, but this is their foundation.  It will be destroyed with a breeze - a mere breath of My nostrils.  They feel secure in their knowledge and think they are safe in a strong tower, but their security will fall as a child's tower of blocks.  They will look about in dazed wonder, not understanding where their security has gone.  Look to the Lord?  For only in Him and in the might of His strength is there security.  Only in His strong tower is their safety!  Find yourself in Him and you will never be put to shame.

Run!  Run to the Lord while there is yet light for your path!  Run!  Throw off all that encumbers and run to your God!  Secure yourself in Jesus.  For the great and terrible day is coming, says the Lord.  Hide yourself in My Son.  Let your name be found in Him that you might live.

Cry out!  Cry out to my people!  Cry out with a loud voice to shake their complacency!  Awaken them, for the time has come.  Make yourselves ready.  Shout My Salvation to all who will hear!

5/16/02 - A great cry as never before rises to My Throne!  The blood of those murdered in the womb, torn apart, ripped from their safety, all for convenience's sake.  The nation whose God was the Lord is no more.  Their gods are now lust, greed, and self.  Evil waits in every corner, waits for the final blow when all will be turned over to Satan.  Rather than sanctioning life in the law, death is welcomed and embraced.

How can a righteous God protect a nation who flaunts its evil?  It is My hear's desire to save and restore, but I will not impose Myself where I am not welcome.

I am not a God of force and blind obedience as is the enemy of your soul.  I will not force your worship of Me.  Your country had a strong foundation on the rock of My word and the love of My Son.  But the enemy is patient.  He waited and infiltrated the infrastructure.  Now it is his ways and precepts that are your foundation.

Return to Me, great nation, that you may once again enjoy My protection and prosperity.  Turn your heart to Me!

Do not continue to sell the souls of your children.  This will not be overlooked or excused.  The little ones are your hope and future, yet you treat them as nothing, using them for your own purposes and desires.  You murder them and dispose of them as you would toss aside a used menstrual rag.  It is this careless and haughty attitude that will be your undoing.

Look not to yourselves or to the world and its depraved standards.  Lift your nation before Me by falling on your knees in humility and contrition.  Rend your clothing and bathe in ashes that I might hear your cry from heaven and turn My wrath from you.

The time is short.  Turn your ways again to Me that you may live.  Cut off the head of the enemy and rejoice once again in the God of your fathers.  Restore My sanctity that you may dwell safely in your land.  Spill no more innocent blood.  The land is poisoned and cursed because of it.

Return to the One who made you great.  For yet a little while, then the end.

Arise from the filth and depravity you wallow in and love.  Open no door to the enemy.  Do not make his way straight as you have done in the past.  Use  your laws for righteousness and not evil.  Protect and nurture your children.  I have made you great and I can tear you down.

Honor your fathers and mothers.  Protect them.  Protect and defend those who cannot do so for themselves, the sick, the infirmed, the feeble in body and mind - for each one is precious in My sight yet you seek to destroy them!  It is a stench in My nostrils and I have had My fill!

Cry out to the Lord that you may be saved!  How long can you break My heart before I act?

Repent!  Repent!  Repent!  Before you are torn asunder, repent!  Before your blood is spilled at the hands of your enemies, repent!  Before you are crushed to ruins, repent!  Give the enemy no toe-hold.  Snatch your children away from the jaws of death!  No longer serve them up as sacrifices to your idols!  Their blood will not go unavenged!

Wailing and weeping!  They fill the air.  Crying as has never been.  Yours has become a nation of death, a stronghold in the hands of the enemy.  Take back the high ground!  Now!  Before it is too late!  Let death be born as a stillborn that life may be birthed in you once again.  Return to Me!  Return to My Son!  Let this not be the end!  A mighty battle rages.  Hold up the arm of the Lord that you might be saved!

5/19/02 - A great cry!  Souls in desperation, lost and seeking some way to ease their pain.  How I desire to embrace them and comfort their pain.  How I long to cleanse them of their unrighteousness with the Blood of My Son.

(Author's note:  I see a baby in a bathinette laying quietly, staring lovingly up at a parent who is gently bathing the baby while soothing the baby with tender words and a loving touch.)

Yes, to take My children in My arms, to clothe them in pure white linen and to teach them of My ways.  I shed a thousand tears for each one that slips away from Me, but it is their choice.

I gave man free will that I might bear the responsibility of Salvation - that I might give man My love and joy.  But just as I rejoice over each one who comes to Me through the sacrifice of My Son, so too do I bear the eternal grief over those who choose death rather than life.  This day, this very day, I set before you life and death.  Choose life!  Choose My Son and the atonement that is already complete in Him that you may have life and have it in abundance, and that your joy would be complete.  It is My heart's desire to save you.

5/30/02 - You have poured out your heart to Me.  Now I will pour out My heart to you.

It sickens Me to see a nation turn from Me.  A nation who once was great and who loved and honored Me.

To see the wholesale sacrifice of your children's bodies and souls breaks My heart.  It is frightening.  Continue to lift them before Me that they may be set free and saved from destruction.

6/1/02 - Cry out!  Cry out with a loud and might voice that all who would listen may hear!

I have established Truth and no man may alter it.  It is there for My pleasure and not man's.

Forsake your evil ways and the doctrines of demons that delight your hearts and minds.  Cleanse yourselves of the filth of the world that My Son would accept you as His bride.  Make yourselves clean.  Make yourselves ready.  For the hour is coming, and coming soon, when My Son, My precious Son, will take His bride.  Do not look about you and be dismayed or troubled.  Keep your eyes fixed on My Son and you will not fail/fall.

I love you with an everlasting love.  I would never leave or forsake you.  All that I have spoken and promised will be fulfilled at the appointed time.  Pursue Me with all diligence until the very end.  I will provide for you.  I will satisfy you.  I will show you great and marvelous things.  Keep My word locked in your heart.  Meditate on it.  Eat it as a precious treat.  Delight in My word that your joy would be complete.  Seek Me in all things and I will guide you and direct your way.

6/2/02 - My people cry out.  They will be comforted.  Not one will die in vain.  Theirs will be a witness and a testimony to the world of the great love of My Son.  Weep not over their suffering.  Weep for those who have no hope.  Weep for those who are lost.  Pray for workers to bring in the harvest, for it is great.

6/6/02 - Both the wheat and the tares are being watered by My Spirit.  Both will grow and flourish until the appointed time.  A time of persecution is indeed coming, even in your land.  Fear not!  I will strengthen you with My right arm and keep you safe.  Stay in the secret place, secure in My Son.

You will see great and marvelous things - a witness to the power and glory of God.  Never lose hope or despair, for I am with you always.

6/8/02 - Just as it saddens you to discipline your son, so too it saddens Me to discipline Israel.  But for My name's sake I must.  My righteousness demands it.  They are a stubborn and willful people.  They think they don't need Me.  As olives in a press, Israel must be pressed down until she yields her praise to Me once again.  She will call out for My Son to save her and I will rejoice over her.  I know it is difficult to watch, but know I am with her and will not destroy her.  And you will be safe, with Me.

You know what is right, what I have said in My word.  Do not pray for delay.  My Son waits with great anticipation to bring His bride to Me.  The preparations have been made and all is ready.  Rejoice, for your Bridegroom is close at hand!  Oh, the great joys that await you!

6/27/02 - My heart weeps for what was once a great and mighty nation, a beacon of hope.  Though I guided its birth, this mighty nation would deny My involvement - more, My very existence.  Cry out in the growing darkness. Keep your mind in the truth that the lies of the enemy would not roost and flourish.  The enemy flatters and speaks words sweet with honey but they bring only death.  Try to save yourself, O man!  Your arm is short and weak.  Your self-sufficiency and arrogance will be your doom.  Can you change one hair on your head from black to white?  I am your Creator!  Run to me before it is too late!

9/8/02 - The day is coming when all men will indeed know Me and My Son, but first must come the threshing.  The will of My people must be broken.  They must once again return to Me and recognize their need for My Salvation.  My wrath must be poured out upon them and all who dwell upon the earth.  But you will be hidden from that day.  You will rejoice with My Son in the day of His triumphant return.

9/12/02 - O great nation, do not drop your guard.  Do not fall asleep for the day is coming when the enemy will pour in like a flood, desiring nothing short of your complete destruction.  Keep your eyes open.  Do not turn to complacency nor return to your old ways.  Seek the One who can truly give life.  Set aside every thing that hinders.  Burn your idols - idols that cannot speak yet bring nothing but death.  My arms are wide open, waiting for you to come to Me.  Turn to My Son.

The enemy is thick in  your midst.  Do not entertain him.  As a tame animal will even turn on its master, so too will your enemy turn and ravage you if you do not keep vigilant.

9/20/02 - For the day is coming when the battle will be fierce, but all who call upon the name of My Son will be saved.  Great and mighty things will I do through My people.  Many will enter into My kingdom before the great and terrible day, but many more will perish in their idolatry and self-will.  They want freedom, but will find only bondage and pain, sorrow for all eternity.

My words bring freedom and break the chains of bondage.  My truth brings joy and life to those who seek.  Open your mouth that my life and truth would go forth into the earth.  The time is coming for all of creation to witness the awesome work of the Lord God.  My hooks have been set, and at the appointed time those who will carry out My will - even though they deny Me - will come forth.  I will call them out and make a mockery of all they hold dear.  Their strength shall wither before their eyes.  As they stand, secure in their might on the day of battle, they will fall and be no more.  But you will be safe in the secret place.

9/22/02 - The lying tongue drips sweetness as honey, trapping all who want to be enticed.  Their ears are tickled and their sensibilities are massaged.  They are flattered and they prize their knowledge and pride above all else.  They are digging their own graves and will be brought low.  They will be stripped and left with nothing.  They will look around themselves in their nakedness, astonished and shocked at what has befallen them.  Then they will know the truth, but it will be too late.

Seek the Lord while He may yet be found - while it is still called today.  For soon the day will end and time will be no more.  You have before you this day life and death - choose life that you may live in the liberty and freedom My Son has secured for  you.

10/22/02 - The sins of this nation rise as a stench that fills my nostrils.  You ask for mercy and protection, yet the most innocent are not shown these by the very women within whom they grow.  The laws of your land sanction the shedding of innocent blood.  Your laws are legally binding your nation in a curse.  I will protect and defend my people, but the nation as a whole is on the verge of being given over completely.  Do not confuse one as being in opposition with the other.  Continue to pray that the nation might not perish.  Continue to pray that My kingdom be filled and fulfilled.

What you are seeing now is an outpouring of the consequences of My judgment for decades of flagrant disobedience and disregard for Me, My Son, and My statutes.  Just as your son cannot continue in disobedience without punishment, neither can a nation.  Just as it breaks your heart to mete out that punishment, so too does it break mine.  I cannot protect and shield a willful, wild nation.  Return!  Return!  Return to the One who made you that I can take you in My arms again and love and protect you from the vile evil that is coming.  Return, as a nation, back to Me that you would be released from the curse and once again receive My blessing.

1/2/03 - There is a great time of sorrow and suffering coming upon the world and those who dwell in it.  But you have nothing to fear, for I have a place of beauty and splendor prepared for My bride to keep her safe in that terrible day.

Do not entertain anything that is not of Me.  Times are perilous and the enemy will take quick advantage of any ground given him.  Even the smallest compromise could lead to dire consequences.  Choose life - My life - and I will pour out blessings from heaven that no man could imagine.

1/9/03 - Where is the humility of My servant Moses?  Where are the hearts longing for intimacy with their Creator as in My friend Abraham?  Let Me put My salve on your eyes that you might see.  Let Me clothe you that the shame of your nakedness would be removed.  Arise out of the stench and mire!  Make yourself spotless for your Bridegroom, My Son!

I love you so dearly, it breaks My heart to see you remain in your broken, helpless state, when it is unnecessary.  You have come into My kingdom.  Through the blood of My Son I have made you kings and priests.  Arise to your rightful position!  Be holy for the One who lives inside you is holy.  Then you will see the wonders of the Lord your God who dwells in the midst of His people.

1/26/03 - Where in the counsels of men is Wisdom?

The braying of asses fills My ears.  Where is Wisdom?

Yes, I have decreed what is to come since before the beginning of time, but where is Wisdom?

Rather than being led about like a blind man struck dumb, would it not be more profitable to seek Me and My Wisdom?  To walk beside Me in righteousness to fulfill My purpose for you?

O, for a righteous nation!  One who truly has its heart se on Me!  You only fool yourself if you think that any nation on the face of the earth has given its heart and soul to Me.  Yes, there are remnants of My people and for them I have stretched forth My hand.  But the time is fast approaching when My anger can be held no more.  My name must be shown great, for My name's sake.  Pray that it will come quickly.  Pray that I will come quickly!

As a great swarm from the north will the mighty come - and I will strike them down.  My people Israel will be defenseless, standing naked before Me.  But I will protect her with my right hand that she and the nations will know that I AM.

1/29/03 - I will soon bring an end to all suffering.  But first there will be suffering the likes of which has never been seen.  A dark time is coming upon the earth and those who dwell in it.  I have held My wrath, but no more.  Soon the fullness of My wrath will be poured out as it was in the days of Moses - but now upon all flesh and all the earth.

My heart too is breaking over the rivers of blood that flow through your land.  The rivers flow from the wombs of women - what should be a source of life has become a cradle for death.  What now, that your infants are given to sacrifice even before they draw their first breath?

Who is the god of your nation?  It is not Me nor My Son.  Hedonism and self run wild in your streets and you sacrifice anything that stands between you and your pleasures - including the fruit of your womb.  If even the most helpless life is not to be protected in your nation, why should I any longer protect the nation?

Just as you freely and willingly sacrifice your children with abandon, so shall I abandon you.

It is too late for tears and sorrow.  This nation must now see the devistation that it has brought upon itself - by its own hand because of the slaughter of innocents.

I will protect and defend My people if they protect and defend My ways of holiness and righteousness.

Cry out!  As a trumpet calls a mighty army from its slumber, so too must you awaken My army.  Shake them from their slumber that they would stand in the day of evil.

Look up!  For the day of My return hastens.  I will come for My bride that she will be safe from the wrath of My Father.  And until that day - rejoice!

9/24/07 - Come out!  Come out from those who destroy my Word and mock my Name.  Do not be deceived by those who claim to speak for me, yet they deny my Word.  Come out and cleanse yourself form the filth you have wallowed in.  Make yourself ready for your Bridegroom comes quickly.  Make yourself ready so you will not be caught off guard.  Open your eyes an dsee my hand.  Open your eyes and see my truth.